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New Moderator

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08-06-2001, 6:40 PM
already deleted, Kvan..
back to topic-posting, eh ? ;)
08-06-2001, 6:45 PM
So what is your rank going to be called? You don't want to leave it at boring Moderator, do you?
 Sherack Nhar
08-06-2001, 8:48 PM
Well, if Leon become Dark MOD of the Sith, his rank would be cooler than Admiral, so that would make no sense... (yes, I'm THAT greedy!! :D )

Anyway Leon, to help ourselves in our grand task of moderating those forums, would you like to help me write the Community Policies? I'm sure you have some idea that you wouldn't like to see ignored, so think about it! Besides, with the two of us there's much less chance that we forget about something important.
 Tie Guy
08-06-2001, 8:50 PM
Can you even change it if you want to Leon?

Anyway, if you can, you could change it to "The People's Moderator." :D

Or, you could just wait until we get the senate up and change it to Senator or Chancellor or whatever you are.
 Young David
08-06-2001, 8:57 PM
Why not: "That dutch guy"?
08-07-2001, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Can you even change it if you want to Leon?

Anyway, if you can, you could change it to "The People's Moderator." :D

Or, you could just wait until we get the senate up and change it to Senator or Chancellor or whatever you are.
Yes he can change it. He changed it before. Personally I'd keep it a SW theme.
Sherack, are these "Community Policies" more rules? *sigh*
08-07-2001, 12:13 AM
NOOOO!!! Not more rules!

p.s. I liked Dark mod. of the Sith, it sounded good
 Lord JayVizIon
08-07-2001, 2:59 AM
what? there are rules on these boards? i didn't know that. verify......:D
08-07-2001, 3:51 AM
Sherack, no problem, i'll give it a shot and e-mail you some stuff..

more rules ! more rules ! more rules ! :D

come on guys, I'll have to abide by them too, right ? ;)

Did you people know that once you change your name and it contains the word 'mod', those syllables are replaced by asterix ?
it's true..
 Tie Guy
08-07-2001, 10:21 AM
No, Leo, i didn't know that, thanks for telling me :rolleyes:

Anyway, i'll make sure i don't include the word, "mod" if i ever get to change my title.
08-07-2001, 11:10 AM
Hey Leon where can you find these rules the only rules I have seen were at the bottom of the page

Forum Rules:
You may post new threads
You may post replies
You may not post attachments
You may edit your posts

08-07-2001, 11:13 AM
this thread:

shows you some of the inner workings of the boards.. i believe a complete rule-set is going to be up real soon.. better ask Chrisc3po..
 Sherack Nhar
08-07-2001, 12:36 PM
Hey Leon, thanks for helping me create the Community Policies. There are several means of comunicating that we could use to contact ourselves. Here they are:

- MSN Messenger Service
- Private Messages like this one
- Email

Tell me which one you prefer. Personally, I'd like the instant messaging programs like ICQ and MSN, but it's just me. If you don't have them, don't go download them just for me! :)

EDIT: I tried to PM you this message before posting it here, but it gave me an error each time I tried. If they came through, then expect to have about 4-5 clones of the same god damned message in your box :sweat:
08-07-2001, 12:42 PM
don't worry, i won't... :D

I put you in my buddy list and private mails (including e-mails) is the best i can get so far..
If you want additional e-mailaddresses, drop me a pm..
08-07-2001, 12:59 PM
Well, good work on the rules guys, I really enjoyed reading them! ;)
08-07-2001, 1:40 PM
Oh yes the rules were VERY informative:D
Sherack Nhar I keep getting an error too. I come through but I get that stupid error that messes with the browser.:(
 Sherack Nhar
08-07-2001, 3:05 PM
Leon, we have something even better than email. Chris set us up (the bomb! sorry, couldn't resist :D ) a private forum for us moderators. So let's get posting!
08-07-2001, 3:11 PM
A private forum! Where? :eek:
08-07-2001, 3:15 PM
you mean you can't see it ??

:D :D :D :D :D :D

happy posting indeed..

thanks chris / sherack ! that should help !
08-07-2001, 3:20 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
you mean you can't see it ??

:D :D :D :D :D :D

happy posting indeed..

thanks chris / sherack ! that should help !
You'll tell me what they say, won't you Leon ;)
BTW Have you decided to change your rank name yet?
08-07-2001, 3:23 PM
There probably gonna talk about us! :eek:
08-07-2001, 3:39 PM
hey Kvan (keep that trooper avatar ! it's your best yet!)

it's basically a forum to discuss how the moderating goes and who's being naughty.. :D
remember; there's more mods eventually. So one way or another, someone will always be online. (me in Europe times, others in US times). so we have to exchange news about what happened and stuff..
08-07-2001, 3:42 PM
So, who is the naughty one today?
08-07-2001, 3:44 PM
I got a couple of them and will send them to you guys but I don't know where to? I think I posted this an another thread, but you did ask about my avatar.
BTW Did you get my pm, leon? The "petty" one? You don't have to reply I just want to know if you got it. I got a 500 internal error after I think it sent (I get a lot of those :( )
08-07-2001, 3:44 PM
no comment... :D

There's no 'secret circle of the emperor' thing going on people..
rest easy..
08-07-2001, 3:46 PM
Sure there isn't....
BTW Thanks for answering my question (we posted at the same time, it's right above yours) :(
08-07-2001, 3:59 PM
hey kvan,

i didn't get that one.. i got a server error too when i tried to pm.
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