I'm working on building a cut scene using cameras but I'm having a problem, oddly enough the camera isn't at fault, it seems to be working fine. Anyways I want the pc to start out laying on the ground on the verge of death (the same animation that admiral saul did in KOTOR when he told Carth the pc was Revan). The problem is that the pc doesn't stay in that position after the first dialog branch. He stands back up and everything looks normal, obviously I can't have this if the pc is about to die, any ideas on how to fix it?
Yeah, once the characters start talking, the animations are interrupted. What I usually do is use placeable cameras in those scenes. I make a placeable camera or cameras to get the look I want and then I do not enter the tags of the npcs or pc talking. I kind of treat it like 2 npcs are talking and use only the red dialog nodes. Does that make any sense?
Wow, never thought of that, I like it. I'll give that a try if I have time after class today.