Actually, you can have multiple nodes and it will increase the critical threat range. In other words, just enter this...
ChanceAppear [BYTE] =100
CostTable [BYTE] =1
CostValue [WORD] =0
Param1 [BYTE] =255
Param1Value [BYTE] =0
PropertyName [WORD] =28
Subtype [WORD] =0
...multiple times.
You do not have to edit baseitems.2da to make the change. Remember: if you edit baseitems, you modify the critical threat range for all instances of that particular weapon, even those used by your enemies.
I found this, and followed the instructions to increase critical threat range for three weapons I had made, but it wasn't changed when I tested it by opening up TSL and looking at the items.
Were these directions only valid for KotOR? Is there an easier way to do this than by using GFF? (I've used Kotor Tool for every thing else in the item edits.)
Also, is there a way to edit critical hit multipliers without altering baseitems.2da? (This alters the critmult for every weapon of that type in the game.)
I believe not. baseitems 2.da I think is the only way.
Nevermind, I figured out my mistake. It does indeed work for critical threat range.
As you said, however, there doesn't seem to be a way to edit the critical damage multiplier without changing for all weapons of the baseitem.