Hello everyone i have been playing with kotor tool recently making items and equipment but now i want to create a vendor so they dont have to be cheated in. id like to place a dark jedi as the vendor and some items around him to make it look like i put some effort into it.
So if some one could tell me how to add items like a desk, junk piles, crates, droids, etc. and dark jedi converted to a vendor to the dune see.
and i also need to know how to then add my items to the vendor.
i hope im not asking to much thank you so much for your help
I will reccomend this tutorial to you.
I used it myself when first learning. It will teach you all about setting up a new module, putting in placeables, and charcters. Though from what you said I don't think you need setting up a new module.
And this mod is not a huge task, so it is no trouble at all to put you in the right direction, Welcome to the forums :)
i forgot to mention that i was doing this for kotor 1 both of these tutorials are for kotor two and i dont have that one.
Thanks again for the help!
The merchant tut applies for either game. The module one should too actually... most tutorials apply to both. Good luck!