Hi guys, this isn't strictly a modding question, but it's something I think I can find the answer to here.
Basically, I need to be able to access and use Vogga the Hutt's sound files, but I'm having trouble working out how I can make them usable.
Does anyone know what I need to do so I can use them like a normal sound file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
They are .WAV files with .MP3 headers for some reason so they have to be decoded using something like GoldWave OR they do open in Audacity and can be resaved.
I've tried opening them in Audacity before and they're just empty. Do I need to resave them before they'll work?
just rename all the extensions to mp3.
If you follow step 3 in this (
http://soundtracks.mixnmojo.com/kotor2.htm) tutorial, browsing to & decompressing the voice over files you want to use instead of browsing to & decompressing the music files, the voice over files should be usable. :)
Thanks guys, I've managed to get them working, and just in time too! :)
If you don't mind me asking for what?