Sup guys.
Sorry if this isnt the correct subforum to post problems about any mods.
I've installed BoS:SR yesterday and started to play today. I managed to speak to this rodian at the korriban cantina. He sent me to tattooine where i should meet this daemon drexl.But when i encounter these "exchange thugs", where originally the 3 dark jedi have to be killed, in front of the swoop registration, no meeting starts.
is this a bug or am i just at the wrong place?
Thanks for any answers.
You're supposed to click on Daemon Drexl in order to start the meeting.
You're supposed to click on Daemon Drexl in order to start the meeting.
i forgot to mention that daemon isnt even there. i only see the droids and the thugs
What other mods do you have installed, also, is the Daemon UTC in the override?
I had this problem when I had a conflicting .2da.
Did you install the mod before you began your playthrough?
i re-installed the mod twice and now everything works fine.