Hello everyone.
Like the title says, what are the top 15 K1 mods in your opinion?
EDIT : The reason i made this post is to see if i can find some old/new good mods.
tatooine job office. Featured at kotorfiles ( no bias at all ) :p
Brothrhood of shadow
^You stole mine TimBob 12. Um.....Revan's Robes Revisioned by J7 and Sithspecter
How about star admiral's force power pack? that one should be in the top 15, in my opinion. (available on kotorfiles)
Four force powers by darth insidious and newbie modders korriban expansion.
How the hell is my tatooine job office on that list of 10?
I was joking :P
I haven't gotten to it yet. That's how!
Sometimes, the little mods that nobody hears about, could be some of the best mods in the game.
I'd Say M4-78, and TSL Jedi TEmple Mod the Best
Those are TSL, not KotOR. He asked for a list of KOtOR mods. If it was TSL too, I would have more than 15....
Those are TSL, not KotOR. He asked for a list of KOtOR mods. If it was TSL too, I would have more than 15....
I'm currently trying some mods so, will take a awhile till i post my list here.
Keep 'em coming anyway :P
Just wondering, but do you want TSL mods too?