For this new planet mod I'm making, I was wondering how exactly you would make a persuade option possible in dialog. Tried figuring it out on my own but nothing I tried worked; quite perplexed I am.:confused:
You write your persuade line that the PC says sort of like this.
[Persuade] GIVE ME THE PIE!
Then you have the NPC you're trying to persuade have two dialogue branches, a successful one and an unsuccessful one. (The successful one must be above the unsuccessful one)
On the one you want to be successful, you put one of three scripts.
Those scripts determine how high of a persuade skill you must have for the attempt to be successful. Just put one of them in the conditional field, and you're good to go.
So the conversation could go:
Player: [Persuade] Give me pie now.
Successful Persuade: [Success] All right, here is some pie.
Player: [Persuade] Give me pie now.
Failing Persuade: [Failure] No, no way man. It's my pie.
Now I don't know if there is another way to do this, but I always have to write success, failure, and persuade in brackets. So keep that in mind and I hope this helped.
Then you might want to add a quest or item or something to give the player if they are successful, depending on what they are trying to pursade them to say/give.
P.S. Thanks, btw, for the script names, Fallen!
You could do your own custom conditional script, but why? :lol:
As for the entry of [Persuade], don't think there is a way to get around that.
Thx guys big help. (Want a little hint as too what it is for?)
mmk, it is for persuading people to join a armed revolution thats purpose is to overthrow a group of evil dictators called the Guardions.