Hi guys!
I was really intrigued by Shem's "Super Enhanced Mod", which basically makes all weapons in TSL more realistic, so i installed it and played some, and sofar I'm quite hooked!
However i got a really bad bug/glitch (bao dur never shows) and i assume its because the above three mods dont dance well together.
Now Shem wrote that his mod works with "Ultimate Sound Mod", but both need the baseitems.2da, so which one do i use???
Ultimate Saber + Ultimate Sound are supposed to be compatible too, but they also both need the baseitems.2da...
Is ther any way to combine the three???
I left Shem a message at FileFront, sofar he didnt reply... :(
U could creeatr a tsl patchr insttallr that combines the 3files ur after. Or you could just copy and paste the lines using kotortools 2da edaitor to creqate one all powerful 2da file twhat supports all 3
U could creeatr a tsl patchr insttallr that combines the 3files ur after. Or you could just copy and paste the lines using kotortools 2da edaitor to creqate one all powerful 2da file twhat supports all 3
U could creeatr a tsl patchr insttallr that combines the 3files ur after. Or you could just copy and paste the lines using kotortools 2da edaitor to creqate one all powerful 2da file twhat supports all 3
TB12 is having a stroke, it appears.... are you smelling pencil shavings :p
Yes, you could set up a TSL Patcher installer that would merge your .2da's, or merge them manually, just a TB12 said, just maybe a little clearer...
The baseitems.2da from shem's mods are probably identical, so either of those is fine to use for shem's stuff. The contents of the USM baseitems.2da will need to be merged with the Shem .2da.
Sorry about that. My phone is really dodgy when posting online.
well, i guess i'll have to learn a lot more about modding then ;)