So I am rather fed up now, I am aware that this is in no way a filefront forum but I have no forum account on Filefront.
I have, despite going through troubleshooting and some emails with staff and the site host, not been able to solve a particular problem with my account.
I have not been able to submit files to the site, or rather I submit them and they have no indication of being added to the cue. They do not show up in my pending uploads cue and I receive no emails as to their being received.
I currently have almost 5 mods to be submitted and have no way of doing so, I am aware that there are people involved with kotorfiles on this site so I have come to ask i there is something that can be done about this.
Please if you can help then let me know.
These come to mind, Antivirus, ZoneAlarm, Browser Add-ons, Plug-ins and possible network settings if your behind a hub or switch.
How about PMing DI or j7??!!
I forget who, I'll have to check but I emailed someone on the site that couldn't get to the bottom of it. I also checked with tech support. I will try that but still any other ideas?
Hmmm.... there are several members of these forums that have some crossover duty over there. I really recommend you ask them here, since you can see when they are on and are on often enough. (My apologies to those I am referring to if I am causing you discomfort in the inbox :p )
Marius Fett, Darth InSidious and jonathan7 all have responsibilities there, and may be able to help you figure things out. Don't email them there, do it here, that way you can keep track of it a li'l easier?!