Well, as a few might know, I'm working on some alien heads to chose as PC. With the easy ones (Twi'lek, Zabrak and Devaronian) I'm doin' pretty well so far.
But now I noticed, that at least the female Twi'lek head (didn't check the other ones) doesn't have any MaskHook and GoggleHook nodes. This means, that the equipped headgear won't be displayed ingame (I know some like it that way anyways, me, I don't, and I feel my mod to be incomplete without that).
Now, I tried to simply add those nodes with an editor into the ascii-mdl. Worked fine as far as Gmax goes, but sadly, Taina's Replacer deletes them again (as they're not in the original model).
Is there a easier way to get them into the binary model than miro42's hex-editing (
I haven't used a hex-editor before in my life and haven't had the time to learn it so far ;). I might have to anyways though in order to make the full-body-model aliens usable.
But if there's an easier way simply for the helpers, I'd appreciate any tip :)!