Sense we know lucas arts has to wrap this up weather or not they make it into a a game what wiuls u want? A game,a book, both, or none? feel free to discuss.
It will probably be just a book but as bad as the second game was they may just forget about this all together. Then again, it's LucasArts.
We have to have something because the story is canon, and we left off with Darth Vader being captured by the Rebel Alliance. If it isn't resolved, it causes an obvious discrepancy in the timeline.
I say I want both. I don't care if the last game wasn't good, or even if the next one will be (though I really hope it is). I'm the type of guy who doesn't like to leave things unfinished. If they release a new game, I hope to see a novelization as well, mainly because the novelizations of the last two games were incomparibly better than the games themselves. But if not, I'd be content with just a novel, or even a graphic novel or comic book series that continues the story to some kind of resolution.
Both even though they are going to suck :p
Might be both, definitely a book
I think it should be made an infinities type of deal, none canon. The story isn't good, but its cool to smash shizz up. a 3rd game would be ok if its far far better than TFU II.
A comic book maybe. No more TFU games for this force user.
A game would be nice. Although it'd be cooler if you were Juno wielding force powers and a saber :p
Juno as a jedi would be cooler but her character is in her mid 20s so she would developed her powers by now, im currently creating a story if you want to look it up when you can.
I think it should be made an infinities type of deal, none canon. The story isn't good, but its cool to smash shizz up. a 3rd game would be ok if its far far better than TFU II. I agree but a 3rd game would have a lot of missions to cover since the second one was to short.