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New Story

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01-07-2011, 6:07 PM
Well I am starting a new Story mod. (Probally not the best project to do as my first one.) So far I have started the intro... and that is basiclly it. So I started this thread to get advice, ideas, and some help ( That I will Definately need).
01-07-2011, 6:36 PM
so u r starting this with absolutely no experience in kotor moddaing. Instead of having us spoon feed u try checking all the fantastic tutorials on this site. Are u going to tell us what ur intro is. Do you have an idea as to how much work needs to be put intoone of these mods. Most existibg story mods have teams of people working on them and it has so far taken years. I just reccommend you step back. Check out some smaller stuff you could do to get some exprience. Also people arent gonna be interested by a title new story even if u told us your idea. There is a hell of a lot to learn before u go diving into a mod like this
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-07-2011, 8:17 PM
We should all play nice, this is a forum for like minds, trying to learn!

That said, harark1, I agree with TimBob12 that you should start with a smaller idea, like a story for 1 character, and maybe work on that as a mod.

We do like to help each other here, as much as possible, but we also do not like to do all the heavy lifting - to get help, you will need to help yourself as much as possible by learning on your own time, reading tutorials, and trying some stuff on your own. It is far better to ask us how to fix a failed attempt than no attempt at all - at least then we can see where you are coming from, and that you are indeed working on getting it, for yourself. This way, we can all learn from the experience, and add to the communal knowledge that is Holowan Laboratories.

Be prepared, you will get criticism for your work, just as you have given out ;) . Therefore, remember charity when helping or criticizing the work of others - none of us have a BioWare toolkit, none of us are getting paid for our work here, many of us are trying to mod for the first time.
01-08-2011, 2:26 AM
It is best to start off modding small things then doing larger projects. Diving head long into a story mod when you are still a modding "freshman" will only lead to problems. For instance I did six months of solid modding before I attempted my latest ambitious project. If it wasn't for those six months of experience I would have floundered long ago.
01-08-2011, 11:12 AM
The reason I am doing this project is that in my opinion this is the best way to get experince in all the fields of modding, because other wise I world be doing all kinds of little projects that aren't really helping acheive very much. Also as for the help that I said I would need is not teaching me how to mod because I can learn that with tutorials. what I meant was little questions not mentioned in the tutorials like: where in kotor tool do I find the armor textures? How do I make weapons appear on a charcter? (That might not be a little question but I can't find a tutorial for that.)

Frankly, I don't care if the project fails because I already know it will. But I do learn from mistakes fast and will try again.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-08-2011, 5:03 PM
Not to be a rainmaker but.....

Yes, your goal is pure. However, you obviously do not realize the sheer volume of questions you would have, endlessly, if this were the first project you were to take on and take on seriously. Then take into account the age of these games. Then take into account that many of the most experienced and knowledgeable KotOR modders have moved on LONG AGO, and you have a situation that will simply never work.

I am trying to work out one script... ONE... and it will take a fair amount of time to work it out because 1)like you, I have to learn as I go, 2) there are not as many people modding this game anymore, so 3) if you want help, you have to be prepared to wait for it, and educate yourself as much as possible to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTION.

Frankly, we DO care if your project fails... We want your project to win, then we can all enjoy it and learn from your learning process. Your "story project" needs to go on a shelf for a while - for your sake and ours.
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