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Triggers and existing Modules

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 Fallen Guardian
12-27-2010, 12:20 PM
So I was reading up on how to set triggers in Darth333's tutorial when I read that you had to edit the GIT file to put the trigger in the module. Is there anyway around editing the GIT and just putting it in the override or something?
12-27-2010, 5:53 PM
in the create item function there is create item trigger
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-01-2011, 3:16 PM
@Fallen Guardian - Unfortunately, no. You must edit the GIT to use a traditional trigger. What is it that you are trying to accomplish? There may be some functions available in the UserDefined section of your creature's scripts that will accomplish nearly the same thing.

My basic understanding - without editing the GIT file, you must spawn your NPC through script injection (using the area's OnEnter script) and then you can set a quasi-trigger in the UserDefinedEvents. In my case recently, I am using the OnSpawn and OnPerceived UDE's to make my NPC appear only when I want her to, even though technically she is there the whole time due to being spawned in the OnEnter.

The limitation, of course, is that the OnPerceived is working on the creature's Heartbeat, and so there is the slightest chance of the "trigger" being delayed by a missed Heartbeat scan, whereas a real GIT trigger would be more fool-proof.

@TimBob12 - yeah, the .utt.... if you read the tutorial, you will know that the .utt must be packed into the GIT. It will not work from the Override.
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