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Question about Porting Rules

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 Darth Weasel
11-21-2010, 9:10 PM
I know that Porting is illegal but if somehow someone managed to get permission from Lucas Arts would it be allowed for a mod? I know that permission would be nearly impossible to get, but I'm exploring my options for my TC mod and wanted to know if this was a possiblity.
11-21-2010, 9:32 PM
You'd have to get permission from LucasArts, Bioware and/or Obsidian and... I'm sure you'd have to get permission from a ton of other sources.

You'd have it easier creating material from scratch than trying to get permission for porting.
 Darth Weasel
11-21-2010, 10:13 PM
I'm probably not going to port anything anyways, permission or no. Just exploring my options.
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