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Custom Saber Model Help

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11-12-2010, 4:04 PM
I created my own saber hilt model, I imported it to the game. Everything works perfectly except the fact that the blade is too high and is above the hilt by alittle bit. I tried adjust the model by raising the hilt and lowering the blade planes and it changed nothing. So I need to know how to fix this, like I said everything else with the saber is perfect so don't know what I did wrong that makes the blade a few cm off the tip of the hilt, looks silly :p

Also... One more question too, how can make the blade alittle thinner too? Mine is kind of thick, not ridiculiously thick like the blade is thicker than the hilt, but I would like to thin it out slightly. So ifyou can help me with that too I would greatly appreciate it.
11-13-2010, 2:21 AM
Probably a silly question but after you edited did you do all the exporting again. I have no idea how to make the blade thinner. When I made a hilt Dax Drexl did the rigging for me.
11-13-2010, 2:22 AM
Read this thread ( for info on blade/hilt positioning.

For a narrower blade, you'll have to make a custom blade texture that is smaller in diameter.
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