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can you help me, please u.u

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 The Lord
09-04-2010, 10:31 AM
Hello, I have a problem with Kotor 1, I hope you can help me. I have a window in July, after a while I got it funcionar.El problem is that I updated to latest version and have installed the mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge, the game works, but I use the save and fly to Korriban any planet, the game crashes and I get the desktop, the game comes out but does not react minimized. Anyone know if it's for window 7, for the mod, how to fix ,.... It is a pity that no longer can use this game that he enjoyed many hours in the past.

And sorry for my low level of English.
 Kainzorus Prime
09-04-2010, 10:56 AM
Try reinstalling the mod. If that won't work, reinstall the game.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
09-04-2010, 2:10 PM
Hello, I have a problem with Kotor 1, I hope you can help me. I have a window in July, after a while I got it funcionar.El problem is that I updated to latest version and have installed the mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge, the game works, but I use the save and fly to Korriban any planet, the game crashes and I get the desktop, the game comes out but does not react minimized. Anyone know if it's for window 7, for the mod, how to fix ,.... It is a pity that no longer can use this game that he enjoyed many hours in the past.

And sorry for my low level of English.
You must reinstall the game according to the instructions in this thread ( Should be good to go after that! Pay special attention to post #2. You should thank Evil Q when you get your game going... ;)

P.S. mods... might this be moved to the workbench?
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