Does anyone know if there is a program out there to edit the info for a model such as animname and gla info?
There has to be a way to change the .gla location for each model, i just dont know how...
Hmm thats an interesting idea...i tried to edit .glm files for other reasons but they always ended up corrupted and my PC froze when loading them. I'm no programmer so i have no idea which software could do this without "damaging" the files...
i know that Jolt managed to do this in his JO Darkness mod with Jan and the stormtroopers from ja and included the _humanoid and animation file from the ja only in a different directory ".../_jka3noid/_humanoid.gla" and the glms all point to that, thus the models work in jo
Just open the glm with any hex editor and you'll see the path to enlightenment!
Uhm, well, the path to the gla file, at any rate: at position 0x48.
wow! now where do i get one?