I got a new Saitek x52 joystick and throttle. This thing is LOADED with features.
Currently, I'm brainstorming different features I would want to build into a controller profile for this game.
For example:
Scenario - Warhead Launch on Player During Dogfight
On joystick button hold:
1. Save current target in memory (Shift-F7)
2. Key to Target on Missile (Space)
3. Boost shields from laser banks 3 times (not sure...)
On joystick button release:
1. Recall previous target (F7)
I've also configured a thumb slider with shield settings, a mode selector which issues strings of commands to set energy settings, customized throttle settings, and hyperdrive safety switch.
Frankly speaking, the joystick now has a preflight checklist.
Any ideas on other ways to configure this baby?