So, I finally got my Ubuntu System running just how I want it to and now I've got KotOR running under WINE. Now, unfortunately, I think I remember that KTool doesn't work so well under WINE -gonna give it a go just in case though- so I'm stuck with K-GFF instead of the nice one that Fred crafted for us. (No offense TK if you still come around here)
Anyway, I still want to play around with the game and maybe even actually make a mod worth releasing :lol: So, however it may be, it appears that I'm going to have to learn myself some K-GFF.
I don't remember how long it was the defacto tool here, except that iirc RedHawke's Ord Mandell (Or was it Mantell?) was created almost entirely through it.
So, does anybody here who's used it remember a few tutorials or whatnot on the breakdown of a .ut* file and how the proper modification of one goes?
I'm currently looking over the links in this sticky ( [Do You Want to mod KotOR] for anything that can help.
Also, I'm going to need to request some assistance from people in extracting the .2da files I'm going to need to edit properties and the like (If I remember rightly Achilles said something about having to reference a lot of .2da files)
Sorry to drag out this bit of history, but I want to mod and I don't have a windows system up and running right now.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Damn, just tried out KotOR Tool and, unfortunately, Fred's Wonder Tool didn't help out much here :\
KotOR Tool and WINE fail.
There, now some hapless Googler doesn't have to just run across a thread where Jmac mentioned that he was gonna write it in a different language once Fred gave him permission. :\
Edit2: Found FindRefs, gonna test it later with WINE -both the GUI and CLI and see if either works well.