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Question about scripting end game content...

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 Xigon Jin
06-19-2010, 12:56 PM
Hello y'all.
I'm new to the whole modding thing, so could do with a bit of advice about scripting endgame stuff.

Basically, what I intend is after the credits have rolled at the end of KOTOR, instead of going back to the main menu screen, continue to a created module for new quests?
I cannot work it out and am confused (easily done these days!) so any advice would be helpful.

May the Force be with you!
 Qui-Gon Glenn
06-19-2010, 10:10 PM
Search for DAP. As much as I have a distaste for the source ( :p ) it is a mod of the type you are scheming. You can learn a lot from looking at the work of our community members, especially in the tutorials section.
 Xigon Jin
06-20-2010, 9:21 AM
Thanx dude. My search begins now...
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