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Editing Area Walkmesh in Hex (need input!)

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06-11-2010, 6:17 AM
Heck I'm new to these forums, but like many, I'm editing Kotor 2 in hopes that someday I might be at least satisfied with what I'm seeing. I am completely alien to Hex coding, but I know how to cannibalize code to at least work.

I am trying to add the water animation to the ground in the jungle landing of Dxun. Can a tile in the .wok file have multiple walk effects on it (IE grass, and mud) and how do you achieve this with hex edit code? More importantly, is there an easier way to do this?

-I am hoping that this is an easy fix and I can get back to more important things
 Qui-Gon Glenn
06-25-2010, 11:47 AM
^^^ Have you been doing any experimenting? It occurs to me that no one responded, because no one really had an answer one way or another.

I, for one, would be interested if you got any workable results?!?!
06-25-2010, 9:10 PM
For the most part editing existing modules doesn't usually work too well. It usually screws up more than your trying to fix/change.
07-10-2010, 1:46 AM
Thank you both for responding. I have been doing experimenting and the only thing I can get to happen is the module disappears except for the skybox. I don't even know if the override folder properly interprets WOK files. I honestly don't know anything beside editing the code and throwing the .wok into the override. I suppose I'm doing something wrong.

Also if you edit an existing module using the add-on from fredtetra's Kotor Tool does it still mess them up?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
07-10-2010, 6:58 PM
Also if you edit an existing module using the add-on from fredtetra's Kotor Tool does it still mess them up?Depends on which game and how you are editing and using the modified module. As DStoney said, editing in-game area models is tricky tricky, and rarely produces worthy results. Not impossible though...

Using KTool's Module editor is great for K1. It will bugger your TSL modules pretty good though, so better to use KGFF there.
07-14-2010, 8:34 AM
Depends on which game and how you are editing and using the modified module. As DStoney said, editing in-game area models is tricky tricky, and rarely produces worthy results. Not impossible though...

Using KTool's Module editor is great for K1. It will bugger your TSL modules pretty good though, so better to use KGFF there.

I thought KGFF is strictly in code.Unfortunately I am not a hardcore coder... Are there any links that could help me to edit a 3d description in code (I only found someone's basic description of a walkmesh hierarchy) or is there another code from which I could extrapolate what I need? Also is there a way to add my .wok file to the game that won't bugger it up? The override didn't work.
07-17-2010, 11:02 PM
I thought KGFF is strictly in code.Unfortunately I am not a hardcore coder... Are there any links that could help me to edit a 3d description in code (I only found someone's basic description of a walkmesh hierarchy) or is there another code from which I could extrapolate what I need? Also is there a way to add my .wok file to the game that won't bugger it up? The override didn't work.

The only current tool for making(and it will edit them) is KAuroraEditor From what I found ,I was trying to edit a section of unfinished walkmesh in one of M478's modules, putting the edited .wok file into the override worked just fine. The problem was the area I edited never worked properly.
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