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UTP (Placeables) Tutorial for New Modders

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06-10-2010, 5:07 PM
Before you Read Notes: To New Modders: I Hope you Find this Helpful

To Modders: Somethimes I have Wrote "I dont Know what this Does" on some of the Area's if you Know something i have Missed Please Feel Free to Post it and i will Edit that Section

Note to All: I May have Made some Spelling Errors, If i have and you can still Understand what i ment then Contact Via PM or Vistor Message. If its Not Understandable Post it. Ok Lets Begin

First of Open Kotor Tool. (Duh)

Then for the easiest job of finding what Modules placeables you want to use I suggest going options then selecting Show Module Description and Show Module locations. This will add the Names of the Modules on Kotor Tool Rims Section

Then Go to RIMS> Modules > and then your Chosen Module (I will be Using 711Kor_s (The Secret Tomb) Then Blueprint Placeables. I will be Using “Sith_mummy.utp” as I like the Name.
I will now explain what’s under each Tab and what it means to the best of my Knowledge.

Name: What name will be on the Placeable when you find it In Game.
Tag: This is Mainly Used in Scripts (Is Often Same as Resref)
Appearance: What it will Look Like
Plot Item: Is it Important? For a Quest
Static: If it is Static you won’t be able to interact with it
Min 1HP: I Think this means it must have minimum of 1 Health Point
Stats: Should be clear :)


Locked: Is it locked?
Can it be Re-locked: Can you re-lock it after you lock it?
Automatically Remove Key: Once you Use a Key it will get rid off it
Key needed to lock or unlock: Do you need a Key
Open Lock DC: I don’t Know best to leave it how it is I find
Key Tag: If you put something here you generally need to make a UTI for this


Template Resref: When Editing a Placeable Leave it how it is but when making a new Placeable to Add to a Custom Area or adds to existing area this is also what you Name the File when Saving
Faction: Leave how it is (Means I don’t Know)
Conversation: If this has a Conversation (Mainly Used for Computers) just put the Name of the Dialogue here
Animation State: Leave how it is (Means I don’t Know)
Type: Leave how it is (Means I don’t Know)
Has Inventory: Does it have Inventory
Party Interact: Do the Players Party Interact (I’m not to sure on that)
Usable: Can you use it


Best you just leave this unless you know what you’re doing.

I believe this means are there Traps on it like Poison or Something but I have no Experience here

Description and Comment:
I don’t think these Effect it In Game At All, I Mainly use the Comment Section to just Right my Name encase some one tries to plagiarise the File as there Own

You can Double Click Items in the Drop down Lists to add them into the Placeable.
Then you can edit the Quantity (Note Changing the Name will do Next to nothing but if you change the Tag to something that Isn’t a Item’s Template Resref then nothing will Appear) Then Click Ok

Adding a Custom Item Here:

What I do is add an Item I don’t want then Change the Resref to My items Template Resref. This will Not Yet change the Name but then when you save and Re-Open the Inventory the Name will be Blank which is Normal. Then Click Ok

Saving the Placeable:
When Editing a Placeable Accept the Resref so it will edit the Placeable

When Making a New Placeable Save it as Your Custom Template But Of course adding it In Game is not what I am Covering, Figure it out :)

Please Not this was Made Using Kotor 2 TSL, There May be Features that were Not in Kotor 1
06-10-2010, 9:36 PM
Good, may be helpful to some. Moved to tutorial section.
06-11-2010, 5:34 PM
Thanks :)
 Qui-Don Jorn
06-23-2010, 9:44 PM
Ok, i just about had it, then... nothing.

here's all i wanna do.
put my custom saber on Adminstration Officers corpse in the dorms.
At one time i had it there perfectly, but then i messed with something and started a new game and Admin off corpse was in front of the locker where the security desk is. I think i know what i did, (made all those corpses have my saber..)but here's my i change the TAG to something unique, say if it's "lowcorpse" should i make it "lowcorpse8" or whatever?
I DONT change the templateresref, correct? also when i save it to override folder should i change that name?? so "tresmillocker007" could be "tresmillocker320" ...kexstore.utm to kexstore23.utm..etc etc.
i dont know man, ive tried everything and used both KT and Adinos GFFeditor and i dont understand what im doing wrong..any help would be awesome.

06-23-2010, 10:05 PM
You need to pick a unique .utp (placeable) in KotOR 2 and there aren't many of them, they generally just re-use the same .utp's over and over. So the reason your saber is on all the corpses is the Obsidian team, just re-used the same corpse; you need to pick a unique .utp which isn't used elsewhere in the game, else you will a) keep getting your item and b) it can break your game...

You may find the below helpful;

Here is a UTP file you can edit safely on Peragus on the Administration Level.


It's a locker you find near a desk with some archive video messages. You will have to kill a few droids to get to it, but that's the soonest UTP file you can edit without it causing conflicts. It's only the only one that is safe on that module.

On the Crew Quarters of the Harbinger, you can edit all the Republic soldier corpses.


There are no safe UTP files to edit on Telos that I can see.

TSL is very tricky about that; more so than K1. K1 has many different UTP files you can safely edit, not so with TSL.

A very unsafe file to edit.

As a side note, if someone has the time it maybe beneficial to have a list of all the sage .utp files to edit in TSL, so those who don't wish to use scripts, can get their items in game safely...
 Qui-Don Jorn
06-23-2010, 10:31 PM
You need to pick a unique .utp (placeable) in KotOR 2 and there aren't many of them, they generally just re-use the same .utp's over and over. So the reason your saber is on all the corpses is the Obsidian team, just re-used the same corpse; you need to pick a unique .utp which isn't used elsewhere in the game, else you will a) keep getting your item and b) it can break your game...

You may find the below helpful;

As a side note, if someone has the time it maybe beneficial to have a list of all the sage .utp files to edit in TSL, so those who don't wish to use scripts, can get their items in game safely...

Hey Thanks...
break my game?? wait...what? just that character or like, the whole game??
yer freaakin me out man..JK
so the answer i cant use the Administration officer's corpse, even if i name the tag something else? what i dont get is that in KT he's got all the different containers labeled differently,, the military locker in the PC room on the harbinger..its labeled but its the same tresmillocker007.utp ??
i wouldve liked to have stuck my custom robe in there. damn.
its not that i even wanted it to be i said, later on like in the there a unique one in there you know of?

oh hey are you j7?? i was looking for your Old republic robe mod...couldnt find it.
i got darth dakus' armored robes mod but i wanted yours..
06-24-2010, 5:59 AM
Hey Thanks...
break my game?? wait...what? just that character or like, the whole game??
yer freaakin me out man..JK

By editing certain .utp's you can cause items you need to spawn to progress the game not to spawn; and therefore it is not possible to progress the game...

so the answer i cant use the Administration officer's corpse, even if i name the tag something else?

Follow Shem's instructions from the quote....

what i dont get is that in KT he's got all the different containers labeled differently,, the military locker in the PC room on the harbinger..its labeled but its the same tresmillocker007.utp ??

Obsidian reused certain .utp's all over the game, so if you edit some of the .utp's on Peragus, you may find you've also edited things, on Telos, Dantooine, etc... So be careful, else again, you could stop yourself from getting items you need...

i wouldve liked to have stuck my custom robe in there. damn.

its not that i even wanted it to be i said, later on like in the there a unique one in there you know of?

Not that I know of... You'll need to use a script to put it on any of the earliest placeable.

oh hey are you j7??

:wonder: What do you think?

i was looking for your Old republic robe mod...couldnt find it.
i got darth dakus' armored robes mod but i wanted yours..

Click Me ( you can find my TOR Jedi Armour skin in Dak_Drexl's great mod...
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