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KOTOR Mac Mod Install

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02-17-2010, 10:43 PM
Ok so I can use mods that use the Overide folder method, but on mac os x what the hell do I do if the mod I want uses TSLpatcher?
02-18-2010, 11:25 AM
bootcamp... or these (

.exe's are the bane of my existence. Too much of a pain in the arse to get them running natively so I just installed XP on a drive and bootcamp in to windoze when I have to. (or use my pc) :xp:

(I'm a mac user... not trying to be a jerk ;) )
02-18-2010, 12:20 PM
Same, am also a mac user, but unfortunately I am running 10.4.11 Tiger so I can not use Boot Camp. I also didn't feel like paying money to play Kotor, so now I'm using my moms computer so I can play :¬:

Anyways If you want to play Kotor on your mac you can buy the Mac version of the game but there are some restrictions with doing that. If you buy the mac version you can not, use modules files, lips or Steammusic.

Same thing on the X-Box. If you use a PC emulator like BootCamp I suggest first using a trial version because I did try Kotor on Parallels Desktop and couldn't read the game. I also tried an app called cross over, but it said that the graphics card was not good enough. If I were you I would either buy the mac version and stick with override mods or buy a PC.

Just in case neither of those are options for you here is a link to a few emulators for you. Most of them have free trials (

I hope I was help,

~snip~ - Cz
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