I just modeled a new head for K1. I used MDLOps to get the ascii extension and then modeled that head. Now I'm trying to export the head; I set my location and press "Export Model+Anim" and it looks like it went normally, but when I go to where my file was supposed to be saved, nothing is there. I've tried using different locations and I've exported this multiple times, but nothing is actually exporting. Also, I looked at the sanity check results just to see, and it says "No sanity check file found. Have you exported the model?"
As a side note, I'm only familiar with this process for TSL; is there a difference? Any help here is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You must, after you've changed your mind, use the head with Taina's Replacer. There, click on what you did everything changed.
Hope you could help.
I know how to use taina's replacer for the head, but my problem is that I can't export the head I just modeled -- it just doesn't go anywhere when I try to export the new mdl. I may be reading your response wrong though, queen. Thank you.