Can somebody send me a simplified script of how to deactivate a Force Cage? I looked at the tutorial here on LF but it's not working. Thank you.
Never mind, got it to work.
Here you go,you'll need to add the invisible cageblocker if you don't want to be able to walk through the cage while active.
void main() {
object oMycage = GetObjectByTag("cagetag", 0);
object oMyCageBlocker = GetObjectByTag("MyCageBlocker", 0);
DestroyObject(oMyCageBlocker, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0);
DelayCommand(0.5, AssignCommand(oMyCage, ActionPlayAnimation(202, 1.0, 0.0)));
Yep, that's my basic script that is now working except much longer. It involves 5 Force Cages and makes the prisoners inside run to 5 different locations and disappears.