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Can not loot bodies

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01-07-2010, 8:03 AM
I read the sticky in the workshop and it said that if you weren't sure which mods caused an issue you should post here. I also checked for stickies on the subject and found none. I use this title of my Topic so that it might be easily searched.

I have only three mods running right now. High level powers 2.0, High Level Powers V2u1 (I consider it a separate mod though it is really an update), and the Improved AI mod installed with the High Level Powers compatibility option.

The problem I run into now is that any body that should have loot on it is no longer loot-able. When highlighted with my cursor (over the little circle on the body) instead of showing the loot icon it just highlights the circle while the normal pointer remains. I found that while in combat, however, the cursor may on occasion assume the attack cursor while placed over the dead body. So far this has no bearing on cylinders, boxes, metal cases, etc.

I'm hoping someone may have an idea how to correct this issue. If I placed this in the wrong forum you have my apologies.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-08-2010, 8:16 PM
You may want to post it in one of those mod's TUCE release threads, they were all done by stoffe -mkb, who is a resident here (hi stoffe :wave) - you could also contact stoffe via pm.

However, I do not think those mods are the cause of your issue, as I have never had that issue with those mods (and many others) installed. I am not dismissing your help request - indeed, I am quite puzzled by your symptoms.

Have you patched your game?
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