Working on modeling a new area model for Korriban for TSL. Some of my textures were not being seen in game..really dark, not quite in the shadows. Thought it was a texturing problem but then I noticed my auroralight tint was not being seen in game on my pc..he remained his normally lighting. The lighting in game appeared to by far off to one end of the 'room' causing shadows on the opposite side of the objects. Went into my .are file and change sunambientcolor and sundiffusecolor from 16777215 to zero. That is their value for the 701KOR.are file. Now everything is black except for my pc which is tinted to the correct color of my auroralights. I am able to run around w/i the room toward placeables and the dust is seen from the dirt. Any thoughts? Is there optimal values for sunambientcolor, sundiffusecolor or even dynambientcolor in the .are file. Thanks
Those are one of my area settings, try that.
Also, make sure your auroralight has a big enough radius for its light to cover your area. Depending on the size of your area, it could ahve to be bumped up allot.
No luck. Dis' values just changed the tint of the area..same 'shadows'. I increased the radius of my 3 auroralights effect. Funny thing. I removed the auroralights from my model completely and used my original .are values and still had the same exact lighting scheme as with the auroralights.
are you warping into your area with coords inside the model?
Yes. right in the middle...could it be my kaurora version 0.2?
I will have to think more
Here are some screenshots :
no laughing please at my modelling skills...
I wont laugh, im happy to see more area modelers or people taking an interest in doing it.
And thats not half bad either, good job.
You can add more than one auruadlight, maybe try adding a few more around the area
I have three auroralights in this model each with a radius of 30,000cm..the room itself is ruffly 20,000x20,000x10, I don't know.
btw..all the nice things in my area, the pillars, structure..I took from dxun..
Edit: Thank you Magnusll. Went out of your way to help and it is very much appreciated.