Oi, look whus back! Yep, i started modeling stuff again a few days ago, and decided to start a new mod that ive wanted to make for a long time: adding guitars to Kotor!:xp:
Im planning on making some new, awesome force powers which you get when you equip these, basically of 2 kinds: buffing and debuffing :p Also im thinking of making a stun and such, but mostly its buffs for the party and aoe debuffs. And for which I will record some riffs for :xp:
I will probably create two different models(electric and acoustic) and some altered versions of those.
Here´s what i have made so far :
Its a whopping 2130 polies :p Mainly cause i insisted on being accurate, i modeled all the parts a guitar has exept for the whammy (which i wont make for these) and err... I dont know what they are called in english and the free translation services fail me... The thingies on the neck of the guitar, that define the sounds you get when playing the string while holding your finger on the string and between them. LöL thats hard :xp:
I think ill get around to the horrible part (Uvmapping... gah, its gonna be a pain in the @ss with all those parts...) some time today or tomorrow.