You know, i wish i could myself say those things which mess with Bastilla, or Carth, or anything really. So, i am going to voice act revan. And, if this is possible, when you click an answer, Revan says it. Unfortunately i can only do a male voice for Revan. So i may need some help on organizing it, but i can do the voice acting. The reason why i am doing this is because, i like modding and i especially like screwing w/ Bastilla's mind in the game. If anybody would like to help organize it, let me know. And, i don't know if this is in the wrong forum since it is kind of a mod request and kind of not. Is it possible to make Revan respond like that? Anyway, the camera would have to be facing Revan when he/she says this. If anybody wants to also do the female voice for Revan, please volunteer. Just so you know, i am still an adolescant, so my voice may vary from time to time. But, i am like a Robin Williams who can do many voices.
If my logic is serving me correctly this project is entirely doable, though it will be very time consuming because I believe you will change every single dialog file not only by adding the VOs but making a two parts for every piece of dialog; an example follows:
-----Regular Version-----
Revan - Hello, how are you
NPC - I'm fine thank you
-----Revan's VOs-----
Revan - Hello, how are you (dialog choice)
Revan Male Conditional Dialog - Hello, how are you (VO)
Revan Female Conditional Dialog - Hello, how are you (VO)
NPC - I'm fine thank you
According to my logic for every choice Revan is able to make, it would require in reality two copies of the original entry.
I'm not trying to stop you from doing this, I'm just telling you a way in order to do it. In fact I encourage you to complete this, but only if you are willing to complete; I personally think it will be one of the better mods out there if you can pull it off. I'm just saying this due to your being a new person in modding KOTOR.
yeah, well i can only do the male unmodded version. added conversations that are part of a mod would have to go with the author of the mod's permission. For example, if i were to do a voice acting of Revan for BOSSR, that would require the Silveredge's permission. Toolwise,do you know of any devices that can record voice into the comp. Should i like use a microphone, like the one that connects into the comp and you use it to communicate w/ other players? Also, the only person i know who would do the female version would be my mom, since she is so "talented" at voices.
Plus, i will be making updates to the sound. Is it possible to make the voice clips on the comp sound more deeper? Cause my voice varies in its tone. Would it require some modifications to the PC animations to make this possible? Cause this is how i think of it
Here is an example:
Yours was accurate by the way, but this is more specific
PC: Hello, my name is Revan, what's yours?
*click* Camera stays on Revan, and is animated like he/she is talking as an NPC would. Depending on the tone, his/her body language can be calm, angry, upset, depressed, etc.
After he/she is done talking, the camera switches to the npc
NPC: Jordan, you have a nice name Revan.
Camera back to Revan
If the conversation continues, Revan would stand like he/she normally does in a conversation until he/she choses what to say, then the conversation animation and voice kicks in.
Plus when Revan says common things like: "Do you know anything about this place?", "Can you show me one of those visions again?", "Never mind", "Ill be going now" or "Never mind. Ill be going now." And the other common stuff will be the same, so if Revan says something that is very common, you might notice that the same voice clips will be used.
So, what i am gonna do is start a male pc from the beginning, write down each dialogue choice in every conversation possible. Lets say w/ trask. When i see the 1st options, i record them. Of course, if anybody would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated
So, that is how i think it could be organized
And, when i can gather the tools, and the time, to make this mod i will announce it publicly on Kotorfiles or deadly stream.
I'm only thirteen, but I can do a veriety of voices. (my voice hasn't broken yet) Even a female. It might be cool to voice act a female revan or something. Pm me of what to do.
sry, but i already got a guy.