There are two threads in the respective areas of the dedicated forums for KoTOR I and KoTOR II for Restoration information that I have created over the past years.
Knights of the Old Republic I
Knights of the Old Repulic The Sith Lords
Both games are now quite restored compared to what they were out of the box. And TSL has had a great new project come out that includes most of the possible restorations in one pack, TSL Restored Content Mod. We have had some luck getting inforomation on KoTOR I from the orginal development team as well, and that is included in the threads that will detail the possible restorations for that game and what is available. Now is the challenging news for you, these are mods for PC, and you will have to dig for info on X Box, I have never played a console and probably never will, sorry to say. But i understand they have their charms and are fun. But I remain a loyal PC player and research and support only PC. Good to have you back, and enjoy. There are also restoration projects for the following games:
Jedi Knight
JKE Jedi Knight Enhanced
Star Wars X Wing (almost done) actually two projects for this one
Spanish Edition of X Wing Updated:
(this site also has a great library of missions, ships and other info)
Projects to update in English:
Go to Lucas Arts Games Section of Fourm and find X Wing Redux in English Thread
Star Wars TIE Fighter (Also almost done, TFTC was done but only did the first half of the missions, this is being completed)
find Craft Packs in the left hand navigation list and then scroll down to Tie Fighter Total Conversion links.
Newest Version of Waylon's TFTC Expansion: Missions 8-13
Missile boat Patch:
The last TIE Fighter score which is missing in Imperial XWA and TFTC:'LeyrTarg)
Star Wars X Wing Alliance This project is done and done very well with much improved ships and in game objects, XWU Project and forum