OH the problem is that those are two different body models. The top one is the dancer outfit model, and well the bottom one is the underwear one.
Obsidian is responsible for this... inconsistency. If you'll notice though, the dancer model and the Handmaiden's underwear model are basically identical
Yep they're different body models. And yes, the handmaiden and the PC female underwear use the same model, PFBL.mdx/mdl files.
Yes, they have two distinctly different body shapes and I'm not sure why.
Different body models: handmaiden-danceroutfit is PFBL and PC undies use PFBAM for all races, unless you have mods installed that modify those models.
Read this Stoffe's post
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2312313#post2312313) to learn how to deal with the appearance.2da file. Lots of good things can be done there ... or you can mess things bad too ... :xp:
Check how you named your underwear texture and what you typed in the texa column ...
hope that helps bye :thmbup1: