Just wondering if it's of any use, as I have given it a download and from what I am aware the scripts it generates are the same of that used in Knights of the Old Repbulic. Does anyone know if it is effective with Kotor?
Thank You.
~ Sam
Not really, no.
The scripts LilacSoul's generator is designed to produce are specifically for the NWN series; while this series shares a language with the KotORs, their are significant enough differences that it would not be terribly useful.
Ah, quite a shame really it looked like it'd make life a lot easier.
You can still use it, just don't rely on it too much.
Stick to using it for simple functions.
It's worth learning to script on your own though.
Yeah I've been learning the basic functions of scripting and self-teaching myself by looking at the script sources in Kotor Tool and such however I just hoped the script generator would save a lot of trouble. Ah well, good things come to those who wait.
Oh, and to the moderator that fixed the typo in the title, thanks. :thmbup1: