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Appearance 2da Question

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10-11-2009, 10:23 AM
This might seem like a stupid question, but I've searched for an hour and am no closer to the answer.

Which model/tex columns in the appearance.2da are not used in KotOR, which ones are TSL-specific that KotOR doesn't use?

I think I have a pretty good idea (like i don't think the modell/texl - dancer's outfit model - is used by KotOR), but I wanted to be absolutely sure that I wouldn't be overwriting a model that is actually being used by the game.
10-11-2009, 10:28 AM
This might seem like a stupid question, but I've searched for an hour and am no closer to the answer.

Which model/tex columns in the appearance.2da are not used in KotOR, which ones are TSL-specific that KotOR doesn't use?

I think I have a pretty good idea (like i don't think the modell/texl - dancer's outfit model - is used by KotOR), but I wanted to be absolutely sure that I wouldn't be overwriting a model that is actually being used by the game.

All the columns are used in game, just by different models and textures; the only column not used at all in TSL is Revan's Robes, so you could replace that otherwise, you have to choose colums you want to replace.
10-11-2009, 10:37 AM
Sorry if the way I worded the question was confusing (my english is terrible :) ), but I was asking about which ones the first Kotor doesn't use.
10-11-2009, 10:42 AM
Sorry if the way I worded the question was confusing (my english is terrible :) ), but I was asking about which ones the first Kotor doesn't use.

Ah, no worries. The Jedi Robes (Padawan, Knight and Master) and the Jal Shey armour are the major differences; IIRC the others are all in KotOR.

It's quite a while since I had a look at the appearance .2da, I did the ones for Force Fashion II around 12 months ago. IIRC textures "I", "M" and "N" are the Jedi Robes. I think H is the Jal Shey.
10-11-2009, 10:59 AM
Thanks a lot, jonathan7. Once again, your quick replies have been most helpful. :thmbup1:
10-11-2009, 11:07 AM
Thanks a lot, jonathan7. Once again, your quick replies have been most helpful. :thmbup1:

No worries, here is a guide to the appearance.2da by Stoffe, although the codes are for KotOR 1, I'm sure you will find it useful in working out what the models and textures are :) - Click Me! (
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