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T3-M4 gives HK-47 parts

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09-07-2009, 3:50 PM
Hey. I've made my first (public) mod for TSL. I know there was another mod like my one, but my one will get an working link, and it needs T3's influence above 20.
SCREENS : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


a KotOR2 mod
"T3-M4 gives HK-47 parts"

This mod is addressed to everyone, who wants to get HK-47 as fastest as possible.
It adds a new line to T3-M4 conversation.
If you've got T3's influence above 20, then he can make you any part.


If you haven't got t3m4.dlg file in your K2 override directory you can use it ;-).

Copy t3m4.dlg file to your KOTOR2 override directory (if there is no Override, then create one).

Delete t3m4.dlg file from your KOTOR2 override directory.

Rapidshare (
 Darth Payne
09-07-2009, 4:10 PM
Looks cool.

I'll give it a try when i can.
09-07-2009, 7:32 PM
Does this actually work in game? Have you updated the Globals so the game knows that you have the parts to repair HK?

(I only ask, as am having issues with the Lightsaber fixture quest ;))
09-08-2009, 10:19 AM
Have you updated the Globals so the game knows that you have the parts to repair HK?I haven't updated globals, but it works, I've tested it myself. I can make an YT video if you want.
09-08-2009, 11:08 AM
Does this actually work in game? Have you updated the Globals so the game knows that you have the parts to repair HK?

(I only ask, as am having issues with the Lightsaber fixture quest ;))The lightsaber one and HK-47 are two different issues. You can do the HK-47 without a problem. It's the lightsaber one that really can be tricky when it comes to the globals.
09-10-2009, 5:08 AM
I haven't updated globals, but it works, I've tested it myself. I can make an YT video if you want.

Nah its cool I believe you and my illustrious leader has posted too :)

It takes a fair bit of scripting as I understand it to get the parts in game in the manner you'd chosen so it was more had you tested it question, than a provide proof :)

The lightsaber one and HK-47 are two different issues. You can do the HK-47 without a problem. It's the lightsaber one that really can be tricky when it comes to the globals.
09-11-2009, 1:50 AM
Ok, uploaded on Rapidshare.
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