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T3-M4 to HK-48 v2.0

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07-31-2009, 5:45 PM
Version two of my earlier mod (;98911), this version differs from the last one, in that "HK" has a new skin and more reasonable stats.
I still haven't been able to change all of the dialogue in-game to refer to him as HK, but maybe next time I'll fix that.
I also changed his soundset (just the battle noises and responses) to that of a Laigrek. The change is hardly noticeable unless you listen for it, but its pretty cool.

Download link (

Kfiles coming soon! (hopefully)

Screenshots (i'll try to get some better ones later):
 Darth Payne
07-31-2009, 5:59 PM
I like this.

I'll give it a try on my next playthrough of TSL.
 Lord of Hunger
07-31-2009, 6:48 PM
AWESOME! Makes playing T3 worthwhile. Will try this out soon.
07-31-2009, 7:05 PM
Thanks guys. I'll work on getting some better screens up by tomorrow.
07-31-2009, 8:26 PM
nice job keep up
08-01-2009, 10:31 PM
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