Since no one was posting their own art in my previous thread, I though people might respond more quickly to this one. Feel free and welcome to post any self made or discovered by chance, humorous (and clean) Star Wars art here. I'll start out with this:
I made this one myself
Haha, good stuff. Although, if you don't mind me asking, could we see some drawn art instead of photoshoped pictures?
I'm not the best at drawing and sketching stuff. If other people have drawn up some funny Star Wars stuff I encourage them to post it here.
You should submit that as a potential POTD on filefront's kotor section. :thmbup1:
Wow how comes that I didn't notice this before? Nice one and I'll rate it 10/10 when it comes up at FileFront:D I like the 3D border around it.
Well, to be honest, there's a bunch of funny SW pics on the web, so it's kinda hard to make things unique. However, you managed to do quite a good job I see.
Thanks LordOfTheFish. I've got another one in the works, but it requires a rather embarrassing photograph.
I hope I'm allowed to resurrect my own thread:
LOL! Actually I can imagine him saying that:lol: