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Requesting Beta Readers for my novel

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 Kado Sunrider
03-04-2009, 6:51 PM
Hey all,

I recently began writing my own novel, set in the year 3000 C.E. Its loosely based on many sci-fi settings, including star wars. Its not very long ATM, and its mostly in the planning stage, but I could definitely use help looking over my work and offering plot suggestions of your own. :)

Anyways, if you're interested, you can join the forums We can't advertise other forums except in our sigs--sorry! --Jae

Thanks in advance, and I hope to see you on the other side!
 Jae Onasi
03-05-2009, 10:49 AM
I copied your beta reader request over to the new Beta reader request thread ( You helped inspire a new sticky. :)

I'm closing all beta request threads and moving all requests there. Please continue discussion in the sticky. Thanks.

I did not copy your link over--your fic has to be posted in CEC. We can't link to off-site places for reviews.
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