I've recently gotten back into playing BFII and I downloaded a lot of new mods and maps. recently I found that I have XL on stock maps, and when I tested it on Coruscant, nothing changed, except that there was a Jedi Ewok and a big POW popped up on the screen when he hit something. What the heck is this mod?
That'll be the Conversion Pack.
No, it's not. There's nothing that goofy in the Conversion Pack.
Sounds like one of those obscure mods that I didnt know anyone actually downloaded, I Dont think Dann made any courasant maps
I've seen the exact same on Mustafar...I'll try and find it again.
OK, rather than being the ConvPack (forgive me, your Mavjesty), it was the +123, I think. I d/l'ed it and I found it as being something like Mustafar Hunt. Haven't tried to find it in Coruscant yet.