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Holiday Resort

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02-04-2009, 6:31 PM
Hello everyone , and nice to see you after a while , I left this scene abruptly but now I return to bring you A FANTASTIC MOD.
I know I canceled it but with the help of a new member , I have restarted it.

My Team I will call is ...
... Team Sithze ....

Present Members :
1. LordRevan999
2. Myself

I am currently recruiting skinners and scripters , and a voice actor please PM me if your interested

Before you do please see my requirements :
Skinner :
ability to apply and create textures
applying them to Modules

Scripter :
Basic Scripting , such as spawning items etc.
Some more advanced scripts.

Voice actor :
Authoritative tone

The Highlights of this mod :
1. A new unique story line
2. No more boring alien voices
3. New Items
4. An Expansion to this mod...

Report Progress :
(This will be updated so please check back here)

Story : 100%
Modules : 10%
NPCs: 0%
Scripting : 10%
Dialogue: 0%
Voice : 0%

As we can see , we still have a long time before Release but I'm 100% sure we will get there.
02-04-2009, 6:42 PM
I am a good skinner, well character skins and armor. I could also help with module building if you need it. sounds like a cool mod.
02-04-2009, 8:42 PM
I dont see why you need another skinner as LR is great at it, but with Canderis to im guessing you are set with that. I would apply but Im busy with other mods, so nah. Sounds good though.
02-05-2009, 2:39 AM
I dont see why you need another skinner as LR is great at it, but with Canderis to im guessing you are set with that. I would apply but Im busy with other mods, so nah. Sounds good though.

Well Lord Revan is indeed very busy and when the Beta stages come along he will be there to test it.

Thanks for the interest.
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