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Couple of quick questions

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01-26-2009, 7:22 AM
Hi, new to the forum. I'm an experienced modder, though more used to official tools like the Oblivion/Fallout3 and NWN 1/2 construction sets, and it's been a while since I touched NWN2. I have a bunch of the KotOR2 (TSL) modding tools including KT and GFF Editor, but I can't figure out how an item (whether it came with game or mod's UTI file) is associated with a model/texture.

Specifically, I wanna edit a texture for a_helmet_07 (KotOR2-TSL). Only clue I could find is some TemplatesResRef, but I can't find that file/table. Even looking at a mod like Kristy's Saber Pack, it contains kksaberXX.uti which is somehow associated with kk_saber_mdl_XX.tga as well as txi/mdl/mdx files, but I can't figure out how they're linked. I'd appreciate it if someone could explain how to find this out for the items that came with the game as well as items I get with mods.

The other thing I'm having a problem with is a dialog trigger that wouldn't start with the mods I had installed, but worked fine without mods. I'm trying to track down the mod, but with 40+ installed, I've had no luck so far. Specifically it is Atton's dialog when the PC is running outside Peragus in the space suit, trying to get to the dorms area, which is followed by the cutscene of the Harbinger docking. Could someone please explain how I can figure out what that trigger is (in what file?) so I can track down the culprit? Thanks!
01-26-2009, 7:50 AM
Textures don't always follow the same naming conventions as the model they belong to. The texture is coded into the MDL file. The easiest way to find its texture is to run it through MDLOps and make an ASCII model. If you double-click on a MDL in KOTOR Tool it will automatically make an ASCII MDL and extract the appropriate texture/s for you. If you run it through MDLOps manually, it will spit out a text file telling you the texture file name/s.
01-26-2009, 8:07 AM
First off welcome to forums.

Here's a link to a tutorial that should help with the texture;

As for the Trigger, in KoTOR Tool you'll find all the files for the Asteroid Exterior in RIMS>Modules>104PER_s.rim - It will also be a help if you go to Options in the Tools menu and select both Show Module Locations & Show Module Descriptions.

-- Stream
01-26-2009, 8:19 AM
Textures don't always follow the same naming conventions as the model they belong to. The texture is coded into the MDL file. The easiest way to find its texture is to run it through MDLOps and make an ASCII model. If you double-click on a MDL in KOTOR Tool it will automatically make an ASCII MDL and extract the appropriate texture/s for you. If you run it through MDLOps manually, it will spit out a text file telling you the texture file name/s.

Yeah, I remember something to that effect from NWN2. Looking through my old tools, I had retex/retint and MDBviewer. Problem is I can't find the model for a_helmet_07 (I did find the UTI in the templates.bif). Looking through the models, I just noticed they're not listed alphabetically which sucks. But I also remember from KotOR1 that the Verpine Band (a_helmet_??) had a texture name like I_VerpBand??.tga. Is there no way to find the association between the UTI and the model/texture files? If they're not using a similar naming convention, that makes it really hard to track.

First off welcome to forums.
Here's a link to a tutorial that should help with the texture;

Thanks for the welcome and the help. I have been looking through the tutorials, and just took a look at the one you linked, which led me to double click on a_helmet_07.uti in KT. That showed me that the Base Item is a Mask and the Model Variation is 11. So looking through the models, I finally found i_mask_011.mdl which when double clicked extracted the texture I was looking for. Thank you very much! :)

Still, makes you wonder why it couldn't be a bit easier to track down.

Edit: Ahah! I found what I was REALLY looking for: baseitems.2da. This gives you the list of Base Items you can assign in the UTI and its itemclass, which is basically the nomenclature for the model. So for a base item type, the model name is itemclass_modelVariation. The texture doesn't have to follow the nomenclature as it is referenced in the model. Just thinking out loud here, but it might help other people.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2009, 9:34 AM
Your thoughts are welcome, as it shows that you know and recognize a lot of what you are talking about.

FWIW - Most of us here do also :)

It is always nice to have fresh skills in the fold, so welcome!

Consider editing your posts in the future - keeps your thread cleaner and easier to follow...
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