Hi people :) lately I'm having a problem when playing animations during dialogs, once started a (KotOR) dialog, equipped weapons are automatically unequipped during any animation and later reequiped when dialog is over. But this happens only among the involved characters in the dialog :rolleye1: the party member who does not speak remains equipped as usual. In fact I think the weapon is not actually unequipped because when using the ready animation with a saber and I turn it off, it makes the off sound ... weapons are invisible maybe!! :(
I'm using Xiskio's Holster Party Weapons Mod which uses an edited k_ai_master.ncs script, but even removing it from Override I still have the issue.
Someone has had this bug? by the way I'm with XP Service Pack2 and a dual core E2200 pentium CPU.
help will be extremely appreciated, thanks on advance :ohdear:
Edited thread title, please use a descriptive thread title instead of "This is pissing me..." that won't help you get a response, in fact it might drive away people because they expect a rant or something from a thread titled thusly. Thanks. -RH
Edit: No problem RH, thanks for editing the title then ...
I already found the problem, it was an animations.2da lost file in my Override from a mod that does precisely that, unequip weapons on certain animations, problem is it hides them in 'every' dialog also and I wasn't expecting that ... so it was my fault :xp: ... as usual ... :lol:
thanks anyway, good modding! :thmbup1: