How can I make NPC walk around, like on the Korriban Module(in K1). I know there was a script to make them walk and then disappears but is there one to make them walk around. Say in a loop, walk, stop, walk, stop, walk......
Also How do you make them look like they are on a terminal?
Well If you want your npc's to randomly walk use this script:
void main()
To make a npc look like he's working a computer you spawn him facing the comp and attach a script like this to him:
void PlayAnimation(int nAnimation, float fSpeed=1.0, float fSeconds=-1.0);
//where int is at replace with value of anim in animations.2da
NOTE: You attach thease both to their onHeartbeat script slot.
Well If you want your npc's to randomly walk use this script:
void main()
Thanks I'll spawn them right now! I thought it would have something to do with the waypoint files(.UTW)
To make a npc look like he's working a computer you spawn him facing the comp and attach a script like this to him:
void PlayAnimation(int nAnimation, float fSpeed=1.0, float fSeconds=-1.0);
//where int is at replace with value of anim in animations.2da
NOTE: You attach thease both to their onHeartbeat script slot.
Thanks, I already had him spawned.