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Exchange Cheaters

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12-13-2008, 11:23 PM
This little mod will add a cheat store to the Rodian outside of the Exchange office on telos.

Copy of readme:

*****Exchange Cheaters*****
By: HK-42

Description: Ever tired of typing in cheats of items you want(sometimes this can be a very long list) whenever you you get to Telso in Tsl? Well whenever I do a K2 Cheat play through I do, gets very boring. So I made this mod that gives common high power items in the game like Lightsabers, good blasters, name weapons and armor(like Onasi’s Blaster), Robes, etc.
It is in the form of a shop that you access by talking to the Rodian guard of the Exchange Corporation. You can ask him about the items or just continue on.

It has Rodian Voice Overs

Bugs: It may pause for a couple of seconds when loading the shop

Compatibiliy: Anything that dosent alter that Rodians dialog

Credits: Lucasforums help


Screens when mods up

Download: Here (;96441)

I was going to add this to Atton or Kreia at Peragus but there were way to many options that could mess up the game if I did it wrong so this was the best next place to put it.
 Chevron 7 locke
12-13-2008, 11:49 PM
Sounds like a nifty little mod to have in the override folder
This will be most useful...
 Darth Payne
12-14-2008, 7:09 AM
Agreed, this could be very useful.
12-14-2008, 2:30 PM
I'll be downloading as soon as its up! This will be vary handy to have in my override
12-15-2008, 4:31 PM
Ooo, thank you for this! Now I won't have to bother with the KSE quite as much! :xp:
12-17-2008, 6:52 PM
 Time Lord
12-19-2008, 6:53 AM
Hooray now I don't have to cheat to get (certain) items in TSL now. I'm glad you made a version for both games.
12-19-2008, 4:22 PM
Thanks useful little gadget
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