I have been trying to apply a alpha channel on a underwear texture but it isn't working.I found out I didn't make a .txi file.Now I made it and everything is right.But no matter what I do the texture seems to be transparent or invisible if I use full black for full effect.Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.The .tga file is"pfbamc01.tga" and .txi file is "pfbamc01.txi".In .txi it contains "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal"
EDIT:Okay,I fixed the problem by changing envmap in appearance.2da to CM_Baremetal.But now my question is.That I am making a lot of reskins of underwear model and only this reskin requires the metallic effect.How should I make a new appearance entry so it doesn't ruin the other non-metallic reskins I have made?
PLease I need answers quickly.
Wow I know somthing about skinning that you dont :) You copy and rename the model and insert it into the appearence.2da file.
But I don't want to have .2da if possible.So what really is the problem with my .txi file?
If you changed the envmap in the appearance.2da, then I think you will get a baremetal shine for every armour that this character wears. That isn't always good, because there are several that use other envmaps (some use CM_Bright to give parts of the armour a glowing area).
Instead, try naming you txi file to "pfbam.txi" (or maybe "pfba.txi"). I tried something similar once, and I figured out that I had to match the name to the mdl, not the tga. Unfortunately, it would mean that every other medium female underwear would also get the baremetal shine if it had an alpha channel.
Hey,RedRob41,I tried everything you said.And sorry to say but it didn't work as well.Help please.
alright, I'm at home, and I can check everything for sure now.
When you run a mdl through mdlops, one of the files it creates is a text file. In this case, it would be "pfbam-textures.txt" and it contains the name of the default texture for that model. In this case it contains "pfbama01" and that is what you should re-name your envmap file to: "pfbama01.txi"
I hope that solves it.
It would. I have been helping him with it but we cant seem to run it through mdlops correctly.
Thanks,redrob41,it works now.Btw,why is the model not converting like it converted for you?
Btw,why is the model not converting like it converted for you?
:giveup: I don't know why it wouldn't work. Most of the time I just play around with things until something good happens, and I try to remember how I did it.