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A little help here, people...

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11-28-2008, 12:37 PM
If you have noticed in the last few weeks I have been bumping threads to mark what I have already reviewed. Unfortunately this means the works I have not yet reviewed get bumped farther down. You will also have noticed that works written as of about two months ago have not been reviewed because they aren't on that first page or have dropped off, meaning you have to search for them.

I know we have rules against bumping (Moving your work closer to the first page) but we have over 1,000 threads right now, and I for one haven't been able to keep track since they dumped the Outer Rim into CEC. A lot of those works were posted in the last year, and I for one want to clear them.

So if you think you have not been reviewed, or aren't sure, I am going to ask the mods to give you leave to bump them back up.

Otherwise those of you who have been reading my work and those of others will have wait, because I cannot write, edit and keep track of them all.
11-28-2008, 12:50 PM
I, for one, appreciate the amount of work you have to do in order to provide such reviews. The time you invest to the review in itself is small compared to the time you take to READ everything before you can critique it.

I just wanted to say thank-you for your reviews and would include the names of everyone else who haven't bothered to give a simple 'thank-you' when you put a lot into your 'critic's two cents.'
11-28-2008, 1:08 PM
Aye, I agree that a voluntary approach will be best. Anyone whose work hasn't been reviewed should shoot a PM to Mach, and he'll review it if possible. I wasn't really too keen on the bumping idea. :/
11-28-2008, 1:18 PM
Aye, I agree that a voluntary approach will be best. Anyone whose work hasn't been reviewed should shoot a PM to Mach, and he'll review it if possible. I wasn't really too keen on the bumping idea. :/ After posting I considered having them PM me and came back to change the post but there are times you guys are just too quick for me...
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