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Compatible mods

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11-25-2008, 1:03 PM
i love the mods that come out on here, i usually download as many as possible and try to incorporate them all into one game so i can experience them all at once. i have completed kotor2 with all the mods i wanted, a few glitches here an there i managed to get round and was brill, but haven't been able to get past some glitches in kotor. I'm in the mood to play them both again just wondering if any one has experimented enough or knows a good selection of compatible mods for both kotors and could give me a list it would be much appreciated.

also just wondering if it would be possible if all moders or the top 10 got there work together to make one big patch. i may be dreaming because there would be to many issues to deal with *sigh*
11-25-2008, 1:07 PM
also just wondering if it would be possible if all moders or the top 10 got there work together to make one big patch. i may be dreaming because there would be to many issues to deal with *sigh*

TSL Patcher has made such a need redundant - there maybe a specific order you need to install things, but for the most part mods using the patcher should be compatible with one another.

i love the mods that come out on here, i usually download as many as possible and try to incorporate them all into one game so i can experience them all at once. i have completed kotor2 with all the mods i wanted, a few glitches here an there i managed to get round and was brill, but haven't been able to get past some glitches in kotor. I'm in the mood to play them both again just wondering if any one has experimented enough or knows a good selection of compatible mods for both kotors and could give me a list it would be much appreciated.

What kind of mods are you looking for? Storyline, aesthetic, weapons etc?
11-25-2008, 1:23 PM
thanks for the reply and for the help. Well i love all aspects tho i don't see the need to add new itams if there not useful. i will put in order what i prefer
1) added content such as storyline, characters, new worlds like yavin
2) new items robes,weapons, accessories
3) added force powers or abilities
4) aesthetics i have seen new music and background art that look cool
11-25-2008, 1:28 PM
The reason I asked is different groups of mods will generally only be incompatible with each other - i.e. appearance mods with other appearance mods (if they change they same appearance). .2da are the most common incompatabilities. You may be best of giving a list of mods you want and then being shown how to make them compatible.

You may wish to review your own thread on the subject; and visit us at Filefront; - for the latest Mod releases.
11-25-2008, 1:40 PM
The reason I asked is different groups of mods will generally only be incompatible with each other - i.e. appearance mods with other appearance mods (if they change they same appearance). .2da are the most common incompatabilities. You may be best of giving a list of mods you want and then being shown how to make them compatible.

You may wish to review your own thread on the subject; and visit us at Filefront; - for the latest Mod releases.

thanks i will look into how to make things more compatible oooo totally forgot about that thread i will have a gd look bk then :)
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