right, im new here, so i dont know if this is right forum... i think it is.
anyway, what i want to do is to Spawn a Crate into the Ebon Hawk Cargo Hold, (K1) and then spawn items into it. i dont care what type of crate, just a crate (cuz its different to any other containers in the Hawk). i dont want any custom items into it yet.
if any one is willing, these are the items i would like in it (and the ref in KOTOR Tool)
Darth Revan's Robes g_a_mstrrobe06
Star Forge Robes g_a_mstrrobe07
Heart of the Guardian g1_w_sbrcrstl20
Mantle of the Force g1_w_sbrcrstl21
Malak's Lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr06
Dark Jedi Lightsaber g_w_drkjdisbr001
Ciclet of Saresh g_i_mask22
Teta's Royal Band g_i_mask13
Sith Mask g_i_mask14
Thank you!
void main()
object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "plc_footlker", Location(Vector(x, y, z), 0.0));
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe06", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe07", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g1_w_sbrcrstl20", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g1_w_sbrcrstl21", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr06", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_drkjdisbr001", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_mask13", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_mask14", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_mask22", oLocker);
thank you stream for the code. could you (or someone else) please tell me how to put it into kotor tool now? i forgot to mention before :blush:
oh, and where do i save the script? whic folder in the Kotor1 folder? ty
You'll need to decide exactly where you want to place the box first. First, fire up K1, go to the location where you want to put the box and use the whereami cheat to get the coordinates of that location. Write down those numbers. Then, you'll need to decide when you want the object to be created, such as when you enter the Ebon Hawk, talk to a certain NPC, or whatever. Once you decide that, you can use KT to locate the needed dialog/script to add this code to.
If you like, I can finish this part for you, but you'll need to tell me where and when you want the box to be created.
- Star Admiral
On how to compile scripts with Kotor tool:
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143681) (check the second post)