What would I need to add to a script like this:
void main()
object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "hawkx", Location(Vector(0.00,0.00,0.00), 0.0));
to specify what module it will be spawned in?
The item will be spawned in the module where it has been triggered. If you want the item to be triggered in one module but spawned in another, you might have to make use of globals in order for it to work.
- Star Admiral
If you want the item to be triggered in one module but spawned in another, you might have to make use of globals in order for it to work.
You'd still need to attach the spawn script in the module where you want to spawn the placeable.
What are you trying to do exactly, canderis? Are you trying to spawn the placeable only after a specific event?
I am trying to spawn the 'hawkx' in the ebon hawk. So its on all the different ebon hwk module
Correct me if I am wrong but as far as I remember there is only one Ebon Hawk module in K1 and for TSL, there is the intro Ebon Hawk where you play as T3 and the regular Ebon Hawk module?
But in short, you'll really have to attach that script to the module where you want your object to be spawned (OnEnter script....although that might be overused but other mods already. You will have to check if the object already exists or set a variable to avoid creating a new container each time you enter the Hawk. Check this thread: How to spawn a container when I enter an area. check the 5th example in my post here:
http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1825192&postcount=3) or tk's post just above mine )
You can also attach your script to a dialog branch or anywhere else appropriate as long as it is fired within the Ebon Hawk module.
and for TSL, there is the intro Ebon Hawk where you play as T3 and the regular Ebon Hawk module?
Actually, if I'm right, there are quite a few TSL Ebon Hawk modules. Theres the prologue, normal, Red Eclipse invasion, and a cut one involving how the party members think the Exile died in the explosion of the Jekk Jekk Tarr. IIRC, the scene is restored in the M4-78 mod.
Canderis, try and run the script during one of Atton's, Kreia's, or T3's lines when you escape Peragus, and see if it works on each of the planets.
Actually, if I'm right, there are quite a few TSL Ebon Hawk modules. Theres the prologue, normal, Red Eclipse invasion, and a cut one involving how the party members think the Exile died in the explosion of the Jekk Jekk Tarr. IIRC, the scene is restored in the M4-78 mod.
I haven't played the game since 2005...I forgot a lot of things :D However, save for perhaps the Red Eclipse attack module it might be useless to edit the cutscene modules unless the object is very noticeable in those scenes.
Canderis, try and run the script during one of Atton's, Kreia's, or T3's lines when you escape Peragus, and see if it works on each of the planets. That will only work for the current module.
For the record, In K1 there's a seperate Ebon Hawk used for the Unknown world. That's why all your NPCs are gathered around the holo projector after the dialog cutscene when you land.
Thanks guys! Ive figured it out but I still have 1 problem. I cant find the on enter script. It is called k_003ebo_enter Does it come decompiled or do i need to figure that out myself?
No, it does not, so you'll need to use DeNCS if you want to see the source for it.
- Star Admiral
I cant find the on enter script. It is called k_003ebo_enter Does it come decompiled or do i need to figure that out myself?
RIMs/modules/003EBO_s.rim/Script, compiled/k_003ebo_enter.ncs. You can export it here. If you want to use it, you have to decompile it in DeNCS (or download TSL source codes from TG's site ;))
And what websight is that?
Right here (
http://www.team-gizka.org/downloads.html). Scroll down to the "Miscellaneous" section.
- Star Admiral
EDIT: nevermind there was a secondary link :)