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Transparent image issues

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11-09-2008, 11:46 PM
I was trying to make the mandalorian simbol file i got from the internet have no background collor at all. No white. But I tried to delete the white nothing happend. It just stayed white. What is wrong with this? I tried it in PNG JPG TGA and BMP. Why isnt it deleting?
11-10-2008, 12:38 AM
You need to be a bit clearer about what you are trying to do and how you were doing it. You need to use an alpha channel for transparency in-game.
11-10-2008, 8:32 AM
It wont be transparent in game. I am trying to past the pic onto a reskin I did but I cant remove the background.
 The Betrayer
11-10-2008, 8:58 AM
Are you using MS Paint?
11-10-2008, 11:09 AM
You'll want to use something like Photoshop. Try one of the free alternatives like Paint.NET ( and Gimp (
11-10-2008, 4:59 PM
I have been using gimp forever.
EDIT i got it fixed.
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